
IM User Guide:

How to use the Re-Leased Sync

The purpose of this guide is to explain how to schedule inspections in Re-Leased and sync them to Inspection Manager

Find the property in Re-Leased using the search bar

First search the property you wish to add an inspection on using the Search box at the top right, then click the property you wish to add an inspection to.

Create a new inspection for the property

Select “Task” on the left.
Then “+ New Inspection” on the top right.

Complete the fields for Inspection details

Enter the correct details for:

  • Title
  • Inspection Type
  • Tenancy
  • Area of Property
  • Delegate to Member (Choose a Property Manager that matches a user in IM)
  • Date of Inspection
  • Time of Inspection
Once all details have been entered, click “Save” to add the inspection.

Sync the inspection into Inspection Manager

In Inspection Manager, click the Re-Leased tab and then click “Sync Now” to bring over the inspection right away. Alternatively you can leave the sync to automatically sync over night.

Select your preferred date range in sync settings

The sync can be applied to different date ranges – from 7 days in the past to 15 days into the future.

Only users with the “Office Manager” role can edit these date settings. You can review and assign the roles by editing users in the Users tab in Inspection Manager.

How to fix: Properties not syncing from Re-Leased

Review the error messages in Inspection Manager


Properties will display with “Property Manager Conflicts” if:

a. A Property Manager is not assigned to the property/inspection in Re-Leased.

b. If the email of the Property Manager assigned to the property/inspection in Re-Leased does not match the email of a user in Inspection Manager exactly.


Properties not syncing due to “Invalid Data” can be addressed by clicking “View List” to the right of this section and then correcting in Re-Leased the issue highlighted in orange on the right of each property.


Properties in the “Exceeded Plan Limit” section will not sync over until either properties that are no longer in the rent roll are deactivated bringing you under your property limit threshold or an upgrade is purchased to increase active property limit allowance.

Resolving Property Manager Conflicts Error

This section will state the name and email of the Property Manager assigned to the Property? Inspection within Re-Leased that does not match a user in Inspection Manager and how many properties are affected.

This section also pre-fills the option to add the Property Manager as a user within Inspection Manager just by filling out the rest of the details.

The First and Last name and Email are all pre-filled from the information that comes from Re-Leased. The only fields that need to be filled are Mobile, Password and Confirm Password.

User Access Level and if they have Mobile App access or only CMS Access can also be chosen here.

Click “View List” to expand the tab and show which property addresses this is occurring with.

Resolving Invalid Data Error

Properties not syncing due to “Invalid Data” can be addressed by clicking “View List” and then correcting in Re-Leased the issue highlighted in orange on the right of each property.

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